Kansas City Kidney Consultants Logo

  • Dr. Sharma with Patient
  • Dr. Crouch with Patient
  • Dr. Wood with Patient
Patient Focused Services
Our staff possesses unparalleled
expertise and training in
general medicine, nephrology,
and hypertension.
Compassionate Care
And Professionalism
Our goal is to provide quality,
comprehensive and compassionate
care in a unique one on one basis
with respect, dignity and kindness.
Dialysis Care
We strive to see each
of our dialysis patients
weekly at one of our seven
dialysis locations.

Kansas City Kidney Consultants

Kansas City Location

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Kansas City

4320 Wornall Rd. Suite #208, Kansas City, MO 64111
Tel: 816-531-0552

Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 4:30pm

For Driving Directions:

Please input your full address and zip code.

Driving From:
Examples: abc st., “Kansas City, MO ”


Lee's Summit Location

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Lee's Summit

100 NE Missouri Rd. Suite #204, Lee's Summit, MO 64086
Tel: 816-531-0552

For Driving Directions:

Please input your full address and zip code.

Driving From:
Examples: abc st., “Kansas City, MO ”


Northland Location

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1300 NW Briarcliff Pkwy Suite #150, Kansas City, MO 64150
Tel: 816-531-0552

For Driving Directions:

Please input your full address and zip code.

Driving From:
Examples: abc st., “Kansas City, MO ”


Contact Information

Kansas City Office

Tel: 816-531-0552

Fax: 816-756-2503

Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm

Email: Info@kckidney.com

Lee's Summit Office

Tel: 816-531-0552

Fax: 816-756-2503

Hours: Per Appointment

Email: Info@kckidney.com

Northland Office

Tel: 816-531-0552

Fax: 816-756-2503

Hours: Per Appointment

Email: Info@kckidney.com

Downloadable Directions

Kansas City Office
Directions to Kansas City
Medical Plaza Map

Lee's Summit Office
Directions to Lee's Summit

Northland Office
Directions to Northland

Mission Statement

Kansas City Kidney Consultants mission is to provide the best possible medical care for our patients with dignity, respect, kindness, and courtesy while building a practice that allows us to provide that care in a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere.

Medical Plaza I, 4320 Wornall Road Suite #208, Kansas City, MO 64111, Tel: 816-531-0552

100 NE Missouri Road Suite #204, Lee's Summit MO 64086, Tel: 816-531-0552